Tuesday, June 10, 2008

yes sir

nothing like seeing the devil again for the first time.

for the longest time, I believed that the devil did not exist, I mean if god exists, the devil must exist, yeah? well, I didn't exactly do the math. but, what I'm trying to say is that I was wrong.

it was on a sidewalk, curled up, scared for its life. I offered it some lemon water drink but it didn't even flinch. but in all fairness, I guess it was his duty to offer the goods not mine, so I wasn't too bumhurt about it. well, it just sat there looking at me time to time, and me at it. however, he would go in and out of napping, like I was nothing to him, like I was a piece of furniture in his ikea'd out living room.

I tried provoking it by talking to it or getting up and pretending to peace out. but again, no commotion. it would just pay me a stare and go back into it's temporary comatose. weird as this may sound, when I stared into its eyes, I saw a little me in it.

it's funny how you don't really know someone till you really look at them, I mean, REALLY look at them. you know how it gets weird when you say one word repeatedly? especially a name. it distorts the image from its owner and becomes a completely separate entity. Well, when I studied its face, its title became abstract. I didn't see the devil no mo. I saw something that I could related to. someone thats just like me.

This was the moment in time when all the all's of the universe made sense. it came full circle, so to speak. I am the devil, the devil is me. x+y=z, thus z+y=x, you know what I mean? there's all this hype on being individuals or "indie", but when all is said and done, we all came from the same idea. so why hate? even on the devil?

i guess what I got out of this was that I shouldn't be scared of baby racoon's, or all other types of racoon's for that matter. and that I shouldn't hate, I should relate.

1 comment:

Erik Dalzen said...

Your equation is wrong thus your conclusion void. If x+y=z, then z-y=x.